Why kotlin is next programming language

Saturday, June 10, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments

Before discussing the cool features of Kotlin, We will discuss How Kotlin is good, because a study says programming language features  matter  little compared to the Ecosystem issues when developers evaluate a programming language.

Why Kotlin is good :
Kotlin compiles to JVM bytecode and JavaScript : It is of greatest  interest to people who use Java today, although it could appeal to people who use garbage collected at runtime,  including people who use Scala, Go, Python, Ruby and JavaScript.

Kotlin comes from Industry : 
Kotlin comes from industry not academia. It solves problems of working developers. For example type system helps you to avoid null pointer exceptions.

To adopt,  Kotlin costs nothing: 
 Kotlin is open source, but I don’t mean this at all. What I mean is, one click java to kotlin convertor tool, and a strong focus on java binary compatibility. You can convert  your existing java file to kotlin file on a single click, doesn’t matter how many lines of code this java file contains.

Kotlin programs can use all existing Java frameworks and libraries, even advanced frameworks that rely on annotation processing. The inter operation is seamless and does not require any wrapper or adapter layers. 

Kotlin is integrated with Maven, Gradle and other build systems.

Kotlin is very much like Scala, but simple. It can be learnt in few hours by reading language references. It is very much readable.
It enforces no particular programming philosophy , like overly functional and oop styling.

Kotlin is starting to become popular with Android developers.